Philippians Series - pt.5
09.02.14 Steve Jennings
Steve draws comparison between the shining lights in Philippians and Trinity.
Philippians Series
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." This sermon series looks at the challenging words of Paul in the book of Philippians.
Philippians Series - pt.1
05.01.14 Duncan Hanton
Philippians Series - pt.2
12.01.14 Duncan Hanton
Philippians Series - pt.3
26.01.14 Dave Price
Philippians Series - pt.4
02.02.14 Duncan Hanton
Philippians Series - pt.5
09.02.14 Steve Jennings
Philippians Series - pt.6
23.03.14 Pete Thomas
Philippians Series - pt.7
06.04.14 Duncan Hanton
Philippians Series - pt.8
27.04.14 Duncan Hanton
Philippians Chapter pt.9
18.05.14 Duncan Hanton